Pagini cenusii

luni, 27 iunie 2011

Decat codas la oras,mai bine...

       Ma gandesc sa scriu aceasta poveste,care de fapt nu e o poveste,si in limba engleza,desi ma tem ca-si va pierde mult sensul.Dar pentru o mai larga auditie trebuie sa fac si sacrificiul asta.
Azi a fost o dimineata obisnuita de vacanta,in care eu ma culc ca de obicei la 2 noaptea si ma scol spre pranz.De la episodul cu bicicleta,m-am concentrat mai mult pe alergare,in dorinta disperata de a fi din ce in ce mai rapid si de a castiga bani.Dar sa trecem la subiect:
 Pentru a n-spea oara i-am zis lui maica-mea sa ma scoale la 8,cel mult 9,dar nu stiu din ce motive,poate din indiferenta sau o bunatate candida de a nu ma solicita psihic brusc,n-a facut-o.Desigur va intrebati,cei 2 cititori care cititi acest blog(din care unul sunt eu),de ce nu mi-am pus ceasu' sa sune,insa eu am considerat gresit ca omul e un desteptator mult mai insistent mai ales daca are in recuzita o galeata de apa rece.
In fine,am mancat ceva acolo,sa nu protesteze stomacu' si pana la urma am mers la Ieud,cunoscut in judet si nu numai pentru case traditionale,biserici de lemn si peisajele superbe si de ce nu,oamenii,desi o parte s-au adaptat curentului urbanist sau suburbanist.Totusi eu am mers la antrenament,pe terenul unui maraton anual,de care sunt atasat deoarece e prima cursa de anduranta la care am participat(21 km,din care prima jumatate e in urcare din ce in ce mai pronuntata,iar apoi,dupa un mic ocol,coborare pe un traseu aproape identic.Mi-am zis sa-mi verific puterile insa de la inceput am avut o problema,trusa mea de prim ajutor din spate,ce continea 2 tricouri,un prosop,2 sticle de apa+1 energizant si ceva mancare,Eh,care-le astea in spate,urcand 11km,unde pe alocuri panta era de peste 10%.
   Un lucru era totusi de remarcat,ce m-a facut sa ma simt bine,am fost incurajat in diverse feluri de unii sateni,
de pilda "ce-i cu graba asta,nu poti mere' incet?",sau "cine-o slobozit cainii?" sau ma intreba un copil daca sunt primul in concurs,iar eu cu juma' de gura am zis ca e doar un antrenament desi unul serios.Am avut mare noroc,cu o vreme splendida,fara ursi coborati dupa carne frageda,fara noroaie cum a fost sambata in Apuseni,unde am fost nevoit sa abandonez din cauza vremii.
   Am tras tare primii 9km,deja intrasem adanc in munti si au trecut doar 43min mi-am zis ca e nemaipomenit.Dar creierul meu a cautat tot felul de subterfugii sa ma opresc.Am intrebat niste carutasi cat mai e pana la fundu Ursoii,locul unde trebuia sa ma intorc,si mi-au zis ca vreo 3km.Eu i-am comunicat mintii ca nu poate fi mai mult de 1km si am continuat,dar tipu' avea dreptate si m-am convins din ce in ce mai tare,cu cat durerea de la picioare la abdomen era mai pronuntata.
    Moment critic.Trebuie  sa iau o pauza,merg cativa pasi normal,dupa care continui sa alerg,asa imi spuneam initial.Insa timpul trece si inca n-am ajuns la jumatate si era aproape o ora de cand am pornit.In sfarsit dupa 1h13s,ma intorc,galopez,intrecand carutasii pe care ii intrebasem la urcare precum un TGV insa ma uit dupa niste repere vizuale,cum ar fi cea mai veche biserica de lemn din lume,daca nu ma-nsel.Un nene a zis la 2 fete,"no ,ce stati,dupa el",alte 2 au incercat sa se ia la intrecere cu mine,insa eu numai la asta nu ma gandeam,ci mai mult cum sa termin cursa.Le-am incurajat sa alerge cu mine,asa in papuci cum erau si au stat cateva sute de metri.Mai aveam insa kilometri buni pana la final si n-am stat pe ganduri mult,trebuind sa ma concentrez pe forta mea care era in scadere.
    Am tras concluzia dupa mai multe experiente la tara,ca in general oamenii de acolo sunt mai atenti la ce e in jur,sunt mai entuziasti cu viata lor simpla si deseori liniara decat multi oraseni.In oras daca ma vede cineva alergand,in cel mai bun caz are o reactie hilara,dar in general e de nepasare,si nu din cauza ca vede des alergatori,pentru ca cei care fac sport  sunt minoritari ci din cauza unei amorteli de tip bacovian.
   In sfarsit,ajung in centrul satului si cu o ultima zvacnire bag un sprint de parca m-as fi intrecut cu Usain Bolt la mondiale,si ridic mainile in sus ca un adevarat conquiztador,si ghiozdanul ce se balanganea dar fara sa-l mai remarc.
  Merg la magazinul in sat sa-mi iau niste provizii,ud leoarca,si ii urez la tanti vanzatoare o banala zi buna,insa din inima,ea uitandu-se la mine,in timp ce ieseam ca la un extraterestru si cu juma'de gura,ca mine cu o ora in urma,imi zice un multumesc.Mi-am schimbat hainele chiar in fata primariei fara sa-mi pese ca ma vede lumea,m-am sters sumar pe fata,zic sumar pentru ca niste puradei de pe strada au spus"Uite-l pe pinocchio",si alte porecle.Eu nu mi-am batut capul sa inteleg de ce imi zic,oricine poate zice orice,pana ce in masina m-am uitat la nasul meu negru ,gandindu-ma doar la efortul depus la cei 22km parcursi in 1:48:07.

duminică, 12 iunie 2011

It's not about the bike

    Many things happened this week but especially this week-end;I practice cycling since I was 12 and for 2 years I have a road bike I care very much but it seems not enough to not be stolen from my door,unlocked and unguarded.As you may know I live in a block of flats in Bucharest in a quite good area with everything you need nearby:a huge park and lake,good neighbours,and this stuff.But I seem to rely very much on my neighbours and recently they changed a lot that you don't recognize them,most of them young.
  Friday evening my cousin arrived from Constanta (he's working in navy and studying history here),and he had to study all night for his exam;and because of the lack of space from my apartment i left my bike outside the door  as usual;If only I knew that he would fall asleep maybe I would have reconsider that decision.I didn't bother that someone could steal my bike because for two months it was staying in the same position,and nobody gave a damn about it.But next morning I found only when he was leaving that my bike was missing.He didn't look surprised and told me he hoped it was some kind of sick joke of  some kid from that block.
   But he didn't gave any supplementary explanation and began to feel suspect;only after I was feeling ordinary and for no good;The irony was that in that night I dreamed that I was in a forest and was taking part at a contest and I couldn't continue and abandoned for a few seconds my bike to have a pee.When I returned there wasn't there anymore and I looked for it like a cat after his whelps.I suddenly woke up and said "Thank God,it was only a dream";The previous day I received an offer for 300$ to sell the bike to a guy from Decathlon a sport shop.All looked to be clean and in order,I asked my cousin if he was downstairs for buying food and he said yes,and also mentioned he fell asleep for a couple of hours.He asked me what I was planning to do on my vacation for the tenth time probably and I told him that I'm going to see Europe by bike.But this time the question was strange because in the next few minutes I would discover the thing.Strange he forgot to mention that my bike disappeared.Afterwards he told me he didn't realise that the bike was there but only after a hundred of unanswered calls.
   I went to local police station but it was pretty unhelpful and a waste of time.The officer tired of boring cases,treated me like I was an ordinary child for him and I was and also the case,but for me it was of huge importance.Before that he had an assault case and comparing to what happened to my good,my problem was a pinch.But he had to underline that very clearly because I was also upset.Finally I came in and wrote a novel of my declaration including the sketch of the block,my appartment,and the position of my bike related to the door,the stairs and the elevator.I hoped that he would snatch some statements from the inhabitants but the only one who was interogated was the neighbour next door,intrigued that I suspected her son of stealing something,and how could I suppose such a thing because he finished college and he was The sanctity of the whole block and stuff like this.I believe that being a morron isn't a prove for stealing something or any other crime;it's a necessary but unsufficient condition.
 Before the police arrived there I posted some papers at the entrance giving details and asking details about my bike,but today I saw they were cut with a knife so a lodger took that bike from me.Why?Because the entrance is locked and you can enter if and only if you have the card/key of block or you know someone,maybe a relative living there.Second argument is that I live at the 7th floor so it is very unlikely that unkwon people to know that I kept always the bike outside.You first take some assuring measurements and so on.Thirdly,my bike was stolen between 3:00 and 7:00 so to enter you must have the key or talk to entryphone with someone known otherwise it wouldn't open.
The thing is that I'm not angry that someone stolen my bike of 300$ but that I had to chance to put it inside and none of these would happened.I think and suspect very much;the whole block became an enemy of me,my cousin was called by police even though I don't have proofs against him and everything is messed up.It consumes me too much and I should past over,but I can't stop to ask myself how would have been if...none of these happened.